Research and Application of Dense Drilling to Cut and Relieve Pressure Along the Goaf Technology
投稿时间:2023-12-05  修订日期:2023-12-05
中文关键词: 沿空留巷;密集钻孔;切顶卸压;围岩控制
英文关键词: Retain roadway along goaf; Dense drilling ; Cutting pressure relief ;Rock stability control
覃疏捷* 湖南科技大学资源环境与安全工程学院 411201
摘要点击次数: 114
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      切顶参数是密集钻孔切顶卸压沿空留巷中需要考虑的核心问题。本文以大鸿煤矿11601工作面沿空留巷工程为背景,采用理论分析与数值模拟综合研究手段,提出了密集钻孔沿空留巷技术并在现场成功应用。首先采用理论计算对切顶高度、角度、间距、钻孔直径等关键参数进行确定;基于现场生产条件,建立3DEC数值计算模型,模拟分析了密集钻孔切顶参数对沿空留巷围岩变形、应力传递、塑性区发育特征影响。结果表明:合理的切顶参数能够切断采空区应力传递路径,降低坚硬悬顶断裂对巷道围岩的扰动,改善留巷巷道围岩应力环境。矿压监测结果表明:留巷稳定阶段顶底板最大移近量小于200 mm,巷道两帮最大收缩量不超过100 mm,实现留巷围岩稳定控制。
      Cutting parameters in dense drilling for top coal caving, especially in goaf pressure alleviation, are crucial. The study focuses on their application in goaf development at Dahong coal mine"s 11601 working face. It combines theory and numerical simulation to propose and apply dense drilling technology. Theoretical calculations determine key parameters (cut height, angle, spacing, drill hole diameter). A 3DEC numerical model, reflecting on-site conditions, analyzes their impact on surrounding rock deformation, stress transmission, and plastic zone development. Optimal cutting parameters disrupt stress transmission, minimizing disturbance from fractures and improving the stress environment in the stope roadway. Rock pressure monitoring confirms stable control during the stope"s stable stage, with roof and floor convergence under 200 mm and roadway contraction under 100 mm on both sides.
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